Technical Program > Abstracts
Speaker: Elene Antone (IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse INP) Under the assumption that all $d$ copies are i.i.d., we show that for PS and ROS (for FCFS it is already known) sending redundant copies does not reduce the stability region, i.e., a sufficient condition for the system to be stable is $\lambda <K\mu$. We characterize the stability region when the $d$ copies of a given job are identical and show how it heavily depends on the scheduling discipline: under ROS, the system remains maximum stable, whereas under PS and FCFS, when $d=1$ it remains maximum stable and reduces significantly as $d$ approaches $K$, where the stability condition is $\lambda < \mu$. Through simulations we validate the previous results, provide insights into the stability condition when service times are non-exponential and when servers have heterogeneous speeds. Speaker: Ramin Behzad (Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.) Title: Minimum Waiting Time in Queues with Simultaneous Arrival of Customers in the cases of Independence and Dependence We study the customer’s waiting time under this model for the cases of independence and dependence of the waiting time random variables of the queues. In conducting this study, a Copula approach is applied to take into account the dependence structure of the waiting time random variables. We compare the numerical results of the dependence with that of the independence. Speaker: Yan Chen (Columbia University) Title: Extremal GI/GI/1 Queues Given First Two Moments Abstract: This paper studies bounds for the mean steady-state waiting time in the GI/GI/1 queue given the first two moments of the interarrival-time and service-time distributions. For distributions with support on bounded intervals, we show that the upper and lower bounds are attained at distributions with support on at most three points. We then apply relatively tractable numerical algorithms to identify the optimal distributions within that class. For distributions with support on the unbounded interval [0,∞), we show that the tight upper bounds are not attained directly, but are obtained asymptotically as the upper bound Ms of the support of the service-time distribution increases. For the upper-bound of the steady-state mean, we propose a simple formula and provide a numerical comparison of the approximations and bounds, showing that the formula for the bound is very accurate
Speaker: Celine Comte (Télécom ParisTech, Nokia Bell Labs [Nozay])
Speaker: Igor Kleiner (Haifa University) Title: Generalizations of decomposition property for M^X/G/1 queues with vacations Abstract: We present some generalizations of the decomposition property that holds for wide spectrum of queues with vacations. In addition, we extend the decomposition property for the M^X/M/1 queue. For balking abandonment's vacation queue. we show the relation to hyper-geometric functions.
Based on joint work with David Perry (HIT)
Speaker: Youssef ait el mahjoub (DAVID/UVSQ - SAMOVAR/TSP) Title: Performance and energy efficiency analysis in NGREEN optical network Abstract: "We model the end to end delay and energy efficiency in the optical network architecture NGREEN . As the architecture is based on an optical ring, the random part of the delay comes from the random times needed to build an optical container from arriving Data Units and the insertion of the optical container on the ring. We first build a DTMC (Discrete Time Markov Chain) to model the filling of the optical container with Data Units. We take into account a deadline (to have a small latency) and a constraint on a minimal filling of the container (to be energy efficient). We obtain through a numerical analysis using an ad-hoc algorithm we proved, the distribution of the container filling and the distribution of the time needed to build a container. Then, we use this distribution to model the inter arrival of optical containers at a station on the ring. Through simulations and numerical analysis of Markov chains, we obtain the insertion delays and the occupancy of the queue before insertion. The relevance of the paper is to propose a trade-off between energy efficiency and latency for both opportunistic and reservation insertion modes into the ring". Speaker: Binyamin Oz (School of Business Administration, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Title: Strategic bidding in a discrete accumulating priority queue Abstract: We consider an unobservable M/G/1 accumulating priority queue where homogeneous customers choose one of a finite number of priority classes. We show that there are either one or two pure Nash equilibrium strategies. In the latter case they are two consecutive classes and there exists an equilibrium strategy mixing between these two classes. We find the best-response function and show that it is unimodal, with follow-the-crowd and avoid-the-crowd instances.
Speaker: Youri Raaijmakers (Eindhoven University of Technology) Title: Redundancy scheduling with scaled Bernoulli service requirements Abstract: Redundancy scheduling has emerged as a powerful strategy for improving response times in parallel-server systems. The key feature in redundancy scheduling is replication of a job upon arrival by dispatching replicas to different servers.
Speaker: Ziv Scully (Carnegie Mellon University) Title: Optimal Scheduling and Exact Response Time Analysis for Multistage Jobs Abstract: Scheduling to minimize mean response time in an M/G/1 queue is a classic problem. The problem is usually addressed in one of two scenarios. In the perfect-information scenario, the scheduler knows each job's exact size, or service requirement. In the zero-information scenario, the scheduler knows only each job's size distribution. The well-known shortest remaining processing time (SRPT) policy is optimal in the perfect-information scenario, and the more complex Gittins index policy is optimal in the zero-information scenario.
In real systems the scheduler often has partial but incomplete information about each job's size. We introduce a new job model, that of multistage jobs, to capture the partial-information scenario. A multistage job consists of a sequence of stages, where both the sequence of stages and stage sizes are unknown, but the scheduler always knows which stage of a job is in progress. We give an optimal algorithm for scheduling multistage jobs and an exact response time analysis of our algorithm. Speaker: Matteo Sfragara (Leiden University) We compare the transition time with that of a network in which the activation rates are not controlled by the queue length but are externally driven, a situation that was dealt with in an earlier paper. Namely, we first sandwich the transition time between that of two networks in which the activation rates are small perturbations of a certain prescribed function of the mean queue length. After that we show that, as the perturbation tends to zero, the two transition times become asymptotically similar. We focus on a complete bipartite network: we identify the scale of the transition time in terms of the model parameters and we show that its law on the scale of its mean has a trichotomy depending on the aggressiveness of the activation rates. Our aim in future work is to use similar comparison techniques for more general bipartite networks and for more complicated queue-based activation protocols.
Speaker: Lulai Zhu (Imperial College London) Title: Fluid Approximation of Closed Queueing Networks with Discriminatory Processor Sharing Abstract: As a multi-class variant of the classical egalitarian processor-sharing (EPS) discipline, discriminatory processor sharing (DPS) provides a suitable paradigm to model time-sharing operating systems and packet-switched communication networks in which share exists to control the service access of heterogeneous jobs. Under the DPS discipline, each class-k job in the system is assigned a positive weight wk, and the service capacity is divided among all the jobs in proportion to their weights. If there are nl(t) class-l jobs in the system at time t, then each class-k job is allotted a fraction wk/ P l wlnl(t) of the service capacity. By adjusting the class-dependent weights, one can therefore effectively control the instantaneous service shares of jobs belonging to different classes. Although DPS is a more general scheduling discipline than EPS, little attention has been paid to closed queueing networks (QNs) with DPS. We propose in this presentation a fluid approach for approximating the transient and steady-state behavior of closed QNs consisting of delay and DPS queueing stations. With a generic definition, our reference model can fit an arbitrary topology. It assumes the service time distributions of each class to be of phase type, and allows a job to switch from one class to another upon service completion at a station. Particularly, we manage to remove the discontinuity inherent in the system of ordinary differential equations resulting from fluid approximation. The proposed approach has been validated against simulation on a large set of model instances for steady-state analysis and on typical examples for transient analysis. Apart from that, we also introduce a refined method and its extension for approximating through transient analysis response time distributions at station and system levels respectively.
Speaker: Alessandro Zocca (California Institute of Technology), Title: The ghost MCMC algorithm: rare event sampling and applications to power systems reliability Abstract: In this talk I will introduce a novel algorithm, ghost MCMC, which is designed to efficiently sample from a given distribution restricted on a certain subset of the support, describing for instance a rare event of interest. Our algorithm is easy to implement and improves the performances of the standard MCMC sampling, especially in the case in which the target rare event has multiple well separated modes or, even worse, corresponds to a non-connected subset.